The Diary of Me: Part 1

Entry 1 : March 21, 2010
            My friend and I started doing the Ouija board. We didn’t get a response.
Entry 2: March 23, 2010
 My friend finally got a response but it was her “grandmother” Jana. I hated that lady.
 Entry 3: March 24, 2010
            I know my diary is going to laugh at me. But I started hearing noises. So me and my friend did the Ouija board again. We were hoping to get Jana again but got someone else. Didn’t give us a name, kind of scared about this person.
Entry 4: March 20, 2010
            Let’s talk about my school life now. I go to 11th grade. A pretty average grade. I got all C’s and B’s. School is kind of average. Even if my parents are paying for it. The food is cheap and crap.
            My parents and so many their parents complain about the school because it cost like $10,000 for one year. They complain about how it looks and the teachers. Trust me the teachers are crap. But none of them really want to get fired because it pays a lot of money but that is all.
Entry 5: April 2, 2010
            Got a new teacher. I think he is cute. Red hair and blue eyes with pale skin. So many girls were asking how old he was. He told them that he was 26 years old.
            They told him that he was way too young to teach. He didn’t answer. That was my school’s life day. After school we did the board again. Got an answer. The person sid he knows me from school. Kind of scared.
Entry 6: April 3, 2010
            Mom thinks I should be doing these everyday now. Day was boring new teacher is still getting hit on.
Entry 7: April 4, 2010
            Finally remembered new teacher’s name. His name is Ransney Milfum. That name sounds pretty familiar. Friend and I got another response. This time it is getting personal not with my friend but with me. Kind of scared for my life.
Entry 8: April 5, 2010
            Mr. Milfum is giving us a project. The project is about any type of animal we were given. Mr Milfum gave me a very simply project animal, the domesticated cat. He smiled at me when he gave me my animal. Got another answer from the board. Said that I should study up on cats so I could understand him.