This is something I think was funny. It was between me (Wyleanda) and Surrealatorium.
Jeff- Wyleanda
Joff- Surrealatoriuim
Here is the picture this was started on : The Picture >.>
Watch Both of us! Wyleanda Surrealatorium
What the fuck dude you are giving me a bad name.
Bot I jost wont to koll you woth mah SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!
Just NO. no. NO. Go kill someone with a rock not a spoon. *Gives rock*
*Picks up rock* Whot os thos?
Just do it... Or I will have to end your life.
Ok *Throws rock but accidentally hits Jeff in the face.*
Really! Ok now your death is needed. I will give you a short time to run.
Ok * Disappears*